The David Icke Newsletter, July 18th 2010
The odds of dying in hospital from 'human error' are 33,000 times greater than the risk of dying in an air crash
Hello all ...
It's been one of those weeks when the widespread incompetence of 'modern medicine' and 'qualified doctors' has been emphasised for me yet again.
My son, Gareth, has been treated for an eye problem for two years at St Mary's Hospital here on the Isle of Wight - a place where far too many people go to be 'cured' only to come out either worse or in a coffin.
They 'treated' him for an eye condition they said threatened his sight - imagine living with that as a young guy all that time. They told him the retina was being eaten away by a virus that was incurable.
At his wedding a few weeks ago, one of the guests was connected to the eye clinic and noticed his eyes. She said that he should get treatment, to which he replied to her great surprise: 'I've been coming to your clinic for two years!'
She immediately arranged for him to see a consultant, something he had apparently been denied before by the gross incompetents he had been dealing with. The consultant took seconds to diagnose the problem - an infection of the whites of the eyes that was not a threat to his sight and could be cured in a matter of weeks.
The whole diagnosis had been wrong from the start and the sad thing is that hundreds of millions of people around the world would not be in the least bit shocked by that because of their own experience of the Big Pharma-controlled medical system.
Certainly large numbers of people on the Isle of Wight will not be at all surprised that this happened at St Mary's, a microcosm of the macrocosm - and then some. 'Typical!', would be a common response.
Last weekend my other son, Jaymie, went there to check out a finger he had injured while playing cricket. He was told that it was broken and he should report to the fracture clinic on the Monday morning. When he did, another doctor said it was not broken at all.
This may seem a milder example of incompetence, but it is another sign of the culture of the hospital in so many people's experience and that can have literally fatal consequences.
Gareth's wife, Dominique, her mother and brothers, had to suffer the indescribable agony of seeing her father, Wayne, die at St Mary's through a catalogue of basic errors by the staff that were exposed in an inquiry in which the hospital admitted 16 counts of negligence over three days.
Wayne was admitted to St Mary's with a very minor stroke in 2003 and the next day seemed fine and okay to leave. But 24 hours later he had a massive stroke/seizure for four hours and was put on a life support machine. A day later it was switched off. He was dead.
Dominque's mother took the case to an Independent Review Panel, which found the following:
* The ward was cramped and overcrowded and run by one junior doctor. St Mary's response was that 'we know it's cramped so we try to get patients through the system as quickly as possible'.
* Wayne was not seen by a cardiologist even though he was diagnosed with very high blood pressure, an enlarged heart, and irregular heart beat. St Mary's said there were three cardiologists on call and, wait for this, they try to ensure that one is on the island at all times, but this can be 'hit and miss'.
* Wayne should have been given a CT scan or echocardiogram to check the state of his heart, but this did not happen. St Mary's said that 'consultant radiologists decide on scans and it was up to the junior doctors to contact them and request one, but they don't always make a good case'. The hospital admitted to a lack of care, no communication, and that the scan should have been urgent from the start.
* During Wayne's seizure half the medication necessary was not available and he could not be sedated. Even so, it was two hours before they called an anaesthetist who then took a further two hours to arrive to sedate him and order the brain scan.
* Wayne was prescribed an anticoagulant drug that prevents clots and lowers blood pressure, but he was not given it because the hospital had 'run out'. This was never reported in the medical notes.
St Mary's admitted to:
* Failure to give urgent scans required
* Not giving Wayne the medication he urgently required
* Not monitoring his heart when urgently required
* Not giving any treatment at all
* Complete lack of communication
* Lack of drugs needed to sedate
* No cardiologist present
* Anaesthetist arrived too late
* General breach of duty
The review concluded that if the scans had been done and anticoagulant medication given immediately to control heart rate and thin his blood the stroke that killed Wayne would not have happened.
As a specialist at another hospital told his wife: 'If Wayne had walked into my hospital he would have walked out alive.'
When Wayne's family wanted to take the matter further they found that two pages of his medical notes were missing and when these turned up six months later they were the pages that revealed how a drug prescribed as urgent wasn't given.
Not only do hospitals kill and maim people, they then close ranks to protect themselves from the consequences. You have three years to claim a case against the hospital before it becomes invalid and it took two years and 51 weeks for St Mary's to hand over the brain scan details that Wayne's family needed for the case. All coldly calculated.
This gave them just a week to decide if they would take the hospital to court and they decided against it because, had they failed to win, Wayne's wife would have lost her home because of legal costs.
Had they gone ahead, the state-funded hospital would have been able to use taxpayers money to defend itself against the charges of gross negligence that killed a man who should never have died.
Talk about the system being rigged.
Other St Mary's horror stories that I picked up this week from health professionals include:
The patient who went to St Mary's for a simple test, but the needle broke. Two days later they amputated his right leg; a day later they amputated his left leg because of gangrene and the next day he died, aged 58.
Another patient went to St Mary's casualty department and was prescribed blood-thinning drugs. He told them that he was already on a blood thinner called Warfarin, but they said it was absolutely fine to take both. He went home, took one of the new pills, and bled to death in the chair.
The late Dr Tom Chalmers, a distinguished medical researcher, had it right when he said: 'If doctors died with their patients, they'd take a great deal more care.'
I am not saying there are no good doctors or medical staff at St Mary's hospital, or that it does not do some good work, but there are enough breathtaking examples of Keystone Cop incompetence - far more than enough - for the place to deserve a government health warning.
'Hello, St Mary's.'
But it is not alone worldwide, it's often more like the norm. A former professional health investigator in the UK told me:
'Oh my God the death rate in hospitals is monumental. When I was in investigation the death rate ran into tens of thousands through incompetence alone. I mean 6,000 people die of malnutrition in these places every year, and drug reactions probably claim another 70,000 lives.
Another thing - over 20,000 people don't even wake up from anaesthetics each year in the UK hospitals alone. The stats speak for themselves, and I've got shelves full of them. That's why when medics go on strike the death rate drops between 17.5% and 24% in under two weeks.'
What he says is supported by report after report in country after country. In the United States, doctors and other medical staff are the third biggest cause of death after heart disease and cancer with upwards of a quarter of a million people dying in US hospitals every year from unnecessary surgery, medication and other errors, the effects of the drugs given to 'help' them, and infections picked up in hospital.
This photograph was taken on a British hospital ward
Not only that, it is getting worse with the number of British patients killed by hospital 'mistakes' rising by 60 per cent in two years according to figures released in 2009. The Patients Association has said that one in every 300 patients in the state-funded National Heath Service (NHS) are killed because of a medical blunder - one in 300!
The House of Commons Health Committee was told that the number of patients who suffer some kind of harm in hospitals is as high as one in ten!
The mistakes include carrying out the wrong operation on patients, administering the wrong drugs, leaving instruments inside people after operations and failing to put up bars to stop patients falling out of bed.
Nurse, have you seen my scissors?
Oh, yes, and that big long thing, so big you couldn't possibly miss it ...
Figures show that at least two patients a week in the UK are leaving hospital with surgical instruments still inside them as a result of botched operations. In a three-year period taxpayers had to pay out £4.3 million in a series of successful claims against the NHS for leaving 'foreign bodies' under their skin.
They have included swabs, a catheter, a metal clip and a contraceptive coil, according to data obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.
Professor Trevor Sheldon, the author of a study published in the British Medical Journal, estimated that 90,000 people a year are killed and nearly a million harmed by hospital mistakes in England alone. He said that a stay in hospital is 'as risky as bungee jumping'.
He also said that 'this is not specific to the NHS, one finds this in many health-care systems around the world.'
This is no more dangerous than going into hospital.
Even the enormous figures that are quoted here are nothing like the full picture because of how many fatal errors go unreported and are buried with the patient. Peter Walsh of the charity, Action Against Medical Accidents, pointed out that the figure of 90,000 dead and a million harmed does not include incidents in General Practice, ambulance trusts or mental health and covers only England.
The true figures nationally and globally must take the breath away and every one leaves a family devastated.
A 15-year-old girl in Scotland was given 'huge' overdoses of radiation 17 times at the Beatson Oncology Centre in Glasgow, Britain's second largest specialist cancer centre, which treats 8,000 new patients a year.
'Doctors' said that she could be brain damaged or paralysed and confined to a wheelchair for life, or die. The authorities described the mistake as 'human error' - what 17 times??
A mother lost four members of her family to negligence and incompetence at what was described as Britain's 'horror hospital' in Stafford in the English Midlands.
Kelsey Lintern's baby, and her sister, uncle and grandmother all died there within 18 months through incompetence and/or neglect at the hospital and Kelsey almost became the fifth victim when a nurse tried to give her a medicine that would have killed her.
Her baby, Nyah, was discharged despite being blue and having holes in her heart; her sister, Laurie Gethin, 37, did not have her cancer diagnosed until it was too late and her dead body was left for hours in a bloodied bed in full view of the ward; her uncle, Tom Warriner, 48, died in his own vomit and faeces after his stomach was accidentally pierced in an operation; and her grandmother, Lilian Wood Latta, 80, was hungry, dehydrated and left in her own excrement during her final days.
The Healthcare Commission revealed that up to 1,200 patients died because of the hospital's 'appalling' standards.
'Where does this bit go? ...'
One report based on confidential data from the NHS Litigation Authority said that the NHS is facing compensation claims totalling £4.5 billion for alleged errors by midwives and doctors that have left babies suffering severe brain damage.
Three-quarters of that figure pertains to incidents in which a child has developed cerebral palsy, brain damage often caused by being starved of oxygen during birth, or has been disabled in some way. The rest relates to 'other brain damage'.
The stories go on and on and on in country after country.
Medical mistakes are the biggest cause of 'accidental death' in the United States and more Americans die from medical errors every month than died in the attacks of 9/11.
A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study estimated that 99,000 patients a year die from hospital-acquired infections and 98,000 people die from preventable medical errors.
We now have the ludicrous situation in Britain in which doctors coming into the country from the rest of the European Union cannot be checked for competence, nor even the ability to speak English, because of EU laws.
This has led to inevitable tragedies, including the case of Daniel Ubani, a German doctor unfamiliar with the British system, the English language or the painkillers he was prescribing. The result was an overdose that killed the patient.
What we call 'modern medicine' (or rather pharmaceutical cartel 'medicine') is founded on major misconceptions anyway because the system and its hacks, or 'doctors', don't understand the true nature of the body or our reality in general.
This is why (a) they are so limited in their ability to heal and leave so much mayhem in their wake, and (b) they ridicule other forms of healing that are much closer to understanding the vibrational nature of the body and how it consists of, and is constantly affected by, vibrational/waveform encoded information.
Drugs have so many 'side effects' (no, effects, nothing 'side' about them) because they chemically distort, and therefore vibrationally distort, the body's information blueprint. This distortion manifests as dis-ease, vibrational disharmony, and death.
The Shen Clinic on the Isle of Wight, run by my great friend Mike Lambert, is referred patients by open-minded doctors within the NHS and has had some remarkable results using acupuncture alone - acupuncture works with the body's energetic information system.
A one year NHS audit found that of the patients referred to the Shen for acupuncture, where conventional treatments were not helping, 29 per cent had recovered, 66 per cent reported a significant improvement and overall 95 per cent said they had experienced a better sense of wellbeing.
And that was just with acupuncture, not all the other disciplines available there. No wonder the Big Pharma/government cartels are desperately introducing laws that target alternative methods of healing with so many people now rejecting the killing fields of establishment medicine for another approach.
It is our body and we should decide how we wish to be treated - not some white coat or dark suit playing god for the pharmaceutical conspirators who have a vested interest in human sickness, both for the multi-billions involved and for the cull of the global population that has long been in the Illuminati timeline.
Doctors are not gods, as they have been perceived so often in the past. They are, with honourable exceptions, computer programs encoded with their medical 'perceptions' by the controlled medical schools and the carrot and stick, reward and punishment techniques of the medical hierarchy.
Stay in line and you will be well rewarded; speak the truth, as with Dr Andrew Wakefield and his questions about vaccines and autism, and they will strike you off.
People who go to hospital or see other medical doctors and staff of any kind must ask questions, demand a second opinion or even a third and if they think that they or someone else is not getting the right treatment they need to scream the roof off.
We should treat everything they do with suspicion until proved otherwise - the figures for death and destruction by the medical profession demand it.
The same goes for the alternative sector, too, but those with the scalpel and the drug have the potential to be far more dangerous, as we have seen.
I don't go to doctors anymore, I go to healers who know what they are doing, and there is a fundamental difference between the two.
There was a famous television programme about hospital doctors when I was a kid nearly 50 years ago called Your Life In Their Hands.
To think that this is true, given the calibre of many of them, is a bloody nightmare, but we don't have to give that power to these people any more. Our bodies belong to us - not them - and to best express that freedom we need to get informed
Never was the phrase 'knowledge is power' more relevant than with our own health and never more so than today.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
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